3 Stem Plait Hair Extension
A 3-Stem Plait is the ideal way to create a fuller longer plait. This method is especially practical and successful for any style worn in an up-style where the scalp is exposed, revealing the other methods of extensions.
Colours shown: : Dark style: 8, Blonde style: 1722/613, Plait: 24
Hair Type: All human hair is available: European, Afro, Mixed Race, Indian, Asian & Brazilian are amongst the most popular.
Hair Texture: Any texture is available: Straight, curly, wavy & frizzy (enquire for more options).
- 1B
- 2
- 4
- 4/33
- 6
- 8
- 8/30
- 10
- 10H24B
- 12
- 12/30BT
- 12F
- 14/24
- 16/22
- 22MB
- 24B22
- 24Bt18
- 24B613
- 24BT102
- 24B/27C
- 27
- 27B
- 27MB
- 27T33B
- 27T613
- 30A
- 31F
- 31T26
- 33
- 130/31
- 38
- 39
- 44
- 48
- 51
- 56
- 60
- 92
- 613
- 613/102